Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Staining the logs
It looks a little darker than we had planned, but we expect it to lighten up a little bit over the next couple of weeks, and with the chinking in place.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Blasting with Walnut Shells
The Diesel Air Compressor
The hopper held about 75 pounds of Shells. 50lb. bags
My truck was loaded! Since we sifted and re-used some of the shells, we used 50 instead of 100 bags. I am sure glad I had my truck!
Our fancy "sifter" Bryce and Austin saved me $$ by sifting!
Time to sweep!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
metal roof
This was last spring, We finally got the metal roof up, it was actually easier than we thought it would be, it still took longer than we thought it would, but that is ALWAYS the case!! We had tons of help, from friends, family, and some of our local neighbors.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sleepers, Insulation, and OSB
These are the sleepers all laid out on top or the T&G roof.
One of the bad things about doing the roof in the middle of the winter, we spent alot of time clearing the snow off of the roof before we could really get to work.
We used Rigid Styrophome Insulation because it doesnt need to be vented, and it adds great insulation. We had to stack 5 deep to get our Rfactor for this area, but we did go a little bit overboard, we needed R49, and these are 2" thick sheets, with an R factor of 6 per inch so each sheet is R12 so 5=R60 but when we are getting into the -30 or colder nights here in Jan. I think we will be glad we went with the extra Rfactor.
Finally onto the OSB, this was the easiest part of the roof, they went up really well!
Glad we are finally done with that part of the roof, we are taking a break and enjoying the winter! This was last saterday, we went Ice fishing with some of our friends, total of about 25 fish caught in about 5 hours for about 5 fishing poles, it was nice to do something besides the cabin for a change!
We are going to order our metal roof soon, and hopefully get it up before the spring rains start!
T&G roof
T&G half up, this if a view from inside the cabin
This view is from our current house, that is the corner of our fence.
We are so glad that we are building our first Log Home so close to our house and can go back and forth pretty easily!
we nailed foot holds up to help with the walking on the roof, they were just scrap T&G
Almost done!! (this view is from the back of the house)